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Представляем вашему вниманию полностью переработанное и улучшенное дополнение "Настоящий Извращенец".
Это не просто мод - а целое дополнение. Оно включает в себя новые черты, диалоговые опции, взаимодействия, пользовательские мудлеты, функции и игровые активности! Работа над модом продолжается... а первоначально он был известен как "Черты "Извращенец" и "Сексуально Неловкий"".
Первое, что стоит отметить в дополнении "Настоящий Извращенец", это то, что в нем черты играют центральную роль и связаны друг с другом.
Один — охотник, хищник (Извращенец). Другой — добыча, жертва (Сексуально неловкий).
Применение: необходимо иметь оба типа персонажей, чтобы насладиться большинством дополнительных функций! Черты доступны для персонажей с возрастной стадией «Подросток», «Молодой», «Взрослый» и «Пожилой». Работают как для мужчин, так и для женщин.
Основы употребления алкоголя: Дополнение "Настоящий Извращенец" вводит алкоголь в игру, который влияет только на персонажей с чертами "Извращенец" или "Сексуально неловкий".
После одного напитка в баре персонаж получает мудлет "Подвыпивший".
После второго напитка может появиться мудлет "Пьяный" и "Возбужденный", или персонаж останется "Подвыпившим".
Если персонаж становится "Пьяным" и продолжает пить, может появиться мудлет "В стельку". Продолжение питья в этом состоянии может привести к мудлету "Полный отрыв".
На извращенца алкоголь влияет минимально, но сильно действует на сексуально неловкого, что заставлет последнего раздевться охотнее или играть в стрип-покер.
Другие эффекты алкоголя включают временную полигамию (даже с чертой "Верность навеки"), готовность снять одежду (даже с чертой "Гимнофобия") и временные сексуальные желания. (Черты "Верность навеки" и "Гимнофобия" принадлежат дополнению Wicked Whims).
Употребление алкоголя несовершеннолетними: Эта часть мода ограничивает доступ подростков к бару (если рядом нет взрослых). В магазине наград есть чит-коды, обходящие эти ограничения, если ваш стиль игры позволяет подросткам пить. (Включая "Поддельное удостоверение личности" для подростка и "Крутой взрослый" для взрослого, комфортно пьющего с подростками). Последствия от алкоголя: «Не могу поверить, что я это сделал» – фраза, которая часто сопровождает употребление алкоголя, и именно об этом рассказывает часть мода. В дополнении "Настоящий Извращенец" есть множество действий, которые персонаж с чертой "Сексуально неловкий" может счесть неловкими в трезвом состоянии. Однако алкоголь раскрепостит его и придаст смелости совершать то, на что трезвым не хватило бы духу. Освобождение от внутренних запретов может быть весьма раскрепощающим, но настроение может резко измениться после отрезвления...
Черта "Коварный" (Devious Addon): Применение данной доп черты к вашему персонажу-извращенцу дает множество мощных возможностей для манипуляции персонажами вокруг него, которые можно найти в определенном разделе "Коварства" Выбор любой из опций, относящихся к разделу "Коварства", приводит к автономному поведению персонажей, которые вовлечены в действие. Например, если ваш персонаж-извращенец выбирает опцию "Подмешать таблетку для наркоза в напиток "Имя персонажа"", то не только ваш персонаж автоматически отправится в бар (для выполнения таких действий требуется нахождение в баре), но и целевой персонаж автономно выпьет любой приготовленный напиток. Автономное поведение происходит во всех вариантах "Коварства".
Компрометирующие фото (Compromising Photos): Требуется в настройках CAS выбрать "Любит фотографию" в качестве предпочтения! Так вот, вы вместе с каким-то персонажем выпиваете, и тут вам вспоминается, что у вас есть камера. И внезапно вы начинаете строить непристойный план... Итак, ваша модель опьянела и разделась! Пока вы наедине, достаньте камеру и выберите "Сфотографировать...". Теперь у вас есть компрометирующее фото. Решение о том, когда и как использоваться им, остается только за вами. Вы можете сразу сообщить об этом модели и тогда она станет вашим секс-рабом, а можете продумать свой непристойный план и придержать фотографию до лучших времен. Вы также можете отслеживать всех, кого вы запечатлели на компрометирующих фото. Если кто-то уже является секс-рабом для кого-то, то он может также стать секс-рабом и для новых персонажей. Если вы решите отпустить кого-то на свободу, просто верните ему компрометирующую фотографию. Домогательства (Fondling Groping): Это полностью дополнительная функция, которая использует базовые игровые анимации, такие как объятие, поцелуй, страстный поцелуй, щекотание и т.д., и добавляет мудлеты, которые дают контекст ситуациям. (Пьяны ли персонажи? Пьян только один из них? Кто-то раздет?) Мудлеты, указывающие на домогательства во время этих взаимодействий, могут изменить настроение и создать атмосферу для рассказа вашей истории.
Твердые соски (The Hard Nipple): Это новая функция мода, которая "проявится" на ваших женских персонажах. Соврешенно опцианальна, мод был разделен на 2 версии, в одной из которых ее просто нет? теперь добавлен переключатель включения/выключения твердых сосков . Работет как улучшенная сетка для сосков (сетка создана Heliotropic, но сильно модифицирована автором). Она отлично работает на стандартных рубашках из Sims4 и нестандартных рубашках, сделанных с использованием их сеток). У них все еще есть один недостаток - это может не работает на некоторых рубашках, с новыми мешами из СС контента.
Ваши персонажи теперь смогут играть в шахматы на раздевание.
NEW Добавлено срывание одежды с других персонажей
Внимание С 02.07.2023 мод переименован в The Perverted Expansion Pack Перед установкой новой версии все старые фалы нужно удалить:
Skarrd_Traits TS4script
Skarrd_DeviousAddon TS4script
Skarrd_Traits_FondlingGropingAddon TS4script
Старый файл перевода для патроен версии попадает под это же правило.
Перевод от Origamika для Публичной Версии 1.5.0 Скачать Перевод от Urayxor для Patreon Версии 2.1.1 Скачать(SFS)(Не переименовывать!) (обновлен 14.08.2024) (Это частичный перевод, для полного необходима установка перевода от Origamika) С версии 1.8.0 перевод сменил название, не забудьте удалить старую версию! Перевод должен находится всегда в папке с модом, после главного файла, но перед дополнительными файлами. Спасибо Korso за исправление одной надоедливой ошибки!
New Additions -Added the new Custom Drink Add on! A completely optional file that changes the names of drinks and adds effects! To start with, the file comes loaded with two new drinks:
Panty Remover! (causes immediate loss of all sexual inhibitions for Males and Females)
-Added the new Realm of Magic Add on! A completely optional file that adds clothing disintegration to all Magic Duels. (**Realm of Magic Game Pack Required) -Perverts can now disintegrate the bras and undershirts off sims that have already had their clothes ripped off during magic duels. NEW CONTEXT TO TEEN DRINKING INTERACTIONS: Okay so I'm trying an experiment with some of the interactions that come up too much, altering my game play plans. The game altering my plans from time to time is fun and unexpected keeping things fun and fresh. I don't want that to disappear entirely. I have created 2 versions of
-"Let me bar tend for you" by an awkward and pervert teen.
-"Will you serve me alcohol" by awkward and pervert teen.
-"Will you serve us alcohol" by awkward and pervert teen.
One version has a lower level of autonomy. So its there by default and could happen. But the other version, who's autonomy has been cranked up, doesn't become available until the player uses the new interaction: "Is there anything you want to do?" This new context system will be test by you and me over the next month. Feedback welcome.
Ripping Clothes Off -If your sim gets their clothing torn off and they are not at home where they have access to a dresser or closet, they will not be able to dress up! (they just need to be on their lot) -Removed the extra underwear layer when clothing gets ripped off and adds it back after a change of clothing or a shower. -Added Relationship Marker for ripping off a sims clothes when they don't know who it was. (before introductions) All ripping clothes off interactions are, for the moment, not autonomous. I do have a plan and some ideas. Stay tuned. Misc
-Added interaction for Sexually Awkward female, "Don't ask me naughty questions like that!" becomes available after pervert asks any intimate or inappropriate questions, or asks opinion about their underwear.
-Added interaction for Sexually Awkward, "That's a sexy bra you're wearing!" becomes available when the sim is at least tipsy.
-Added interaction for Sexually Awkward, "So.. boxers or briefs {1.SimFirstName}?!" becomes available when the sim is at least tipsy. Includes sober and drunk Sexually Awkward responses and Pervert response.
-Added interaction for Sexually Awkward female, "Um... my eyes are up here." a toned down response from catching a pervert from staring at sims breasts, a comment about her nipples, or see through shirt. Available if the sim is not stressed. ("My eyes are up here you pervert." is now only available for a response to the above is the sim is tense)
-Added interaction for Sexually Awkward female, "Don't ask me naughty questions like that!" becomes available after pervert asks any intimate or innapropriate questions, or asks opinion about their underwear.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward female, "Such naughty questions! Stop!" becomes available after pervert asks any intimate or inappropriate questions, or asks opinion about their underwear and is feeling stressed out.
-Added attraction conditions to "describe sex act".
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Don't say those things!" becomes available after a YA,A,E pervert describes a sexual act to them.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "This is an inappropriate topic!" becomes available after a Teen pervert describes a sexual act to them.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "You're disgusting! So perverted!!" becomes available after a pervert describes a sexual act to them and they are already feeling tense.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Don't look at me like that please." becomes available after a perverted observation has been made by a YA, A, E aged pervert.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Stop looking at me like that you pervert!" becomes available after a perverted observation has been made and the sim is already stressed.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Stop looking at me like that you pervert!" becomes available after a perverted observation has been made and the sim is already stressed.
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "You shouldn't grab at me like that!" becomes available after a pervert has been making attempts at hugs kisses tickles. (successfully or failed attempts)
-Added interaction for sexually awkward, "Keep your hands to yourself!" becomes available after a pervert has been making attempts at hugs kisses tickles (successfully or failed attempts) and the sim is already stressed out.
The following entries represents a couple of things. First, the finishing of the interactions. (like, adding missing attraction conditions and missing trait responses) These are DONE. Also, I have added a new "emotional based response" system to (most of) these interactions, so depending on the mood of the sim these interactions are being said too, results in a much more contextually accurate responses. Also it adapts to how the player plays. It keeps things, surprising. This may need adjustments which will become apparent with play testing.
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "I like your panties {1.SimFirstName}!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your bra and panties are very sexy!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Tell me about the panties you're wearing."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your underwear is very sexy!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "So.. boxers or briefs {1.SimFirstName}?"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Do your bra and panties match?"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Did you stuff a sock in your package?"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Do you like my bra and panties? "
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Do you like my underwear?"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Describe sex act."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Tell perverted story."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Make perverted joke."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Say something perverted."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your breasts are beautiful!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Nice dick!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your bra shows through your shirt!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Your tight pants are sexy!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Are you staring at my crotch?"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the perverted interaction, "Were you staring at my breasts?"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Oh my! Are you getting a boner?!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Looks like you're about to pop out! "
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "If your boner is uncomfortable, undress!"
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Your undies look really tight {1.SimFirstName}."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "I like your underwear {1.SimFirstName}."
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Do you like my bra and panties? "
-Added missing response animation variations and added all dynamic buffs to the sexually awkward interaction, "Do you like my bra and panties? "
Vampires -Fixed the biting count from getting mixed up with the alcoholic drink count. Now if sober, a bite will make tipsy. If already tipsy, the bite will make sim drunk. Etc.. And vice versa. -Sims with the Vampire Trait Pervert or Vampire Trait Awkward will not have negative effects when seeing a Vampire Drink Deeply on other sims since they know it feels really good. -A collapsed sim will now be "Recovering from Orgasmic Feeling" instead of "Recovering from Plasma Loss" -Added automatic sweating caused by the erotic feelings of being bit. -Vampires will change in to dark form to start feeding as before but now will remain in dark form until the player manually changes back. -The pervy and awkward vampire traits are now automatically distributed to victims just by being near a vampire. And have been removed from the reward store. -Added a new reward Trait in the reward store, "Vampire Seduction Resistance" trait which offers immunity from the seductive and intoxicating effects of the Vampire Bite. -If a victim receives one of the vampire bite buffs, (recently bit, permission to bite, deeper drink, etc) the sim will feel compelled to undress autonomously.
Changes -Physical Nipples 3.0 are introduced this month. Improved fit. Improved nipples. -Sexually Awkward Interaction: "Your undies seen a bit tight{1.SimFirstName}." changed too "Your undies look really tight {1.SimFirstName}." -Sexually Awkward Interaction: "I like your underwear. They look tight." changed too "I like your underwear {1.SimFirstName}." -Devious in the social interaction pie menu will now display as "Devious Ideas"
Bug Fixes -Fixed "Sex Slaves" not complying when relationship was too low. Now the will always accept.
For those of you who have been playing with the mod for a while, you may have noticed that when the Sexually Awkward sims get drunk, they can reveal.. secrets. And the drunker they get, the more.. intimate the secret revealed. Well, now more than ever, it matters who they tell.
New Additions -New Insiders Info buff for the pervert who has learned all 4 "drunken secrets revealed" (you'll be able to check the relationship record to see how many you've collected) This is a powerful buff that accelerated the romantic gains x2. -New All the Right Moves buff for the sexually awkward who has revealed all 4 "drunken secrets" (you'll be able to check the relationship record to see how many you've revealed) This is a powerful buff that accelerated the romantic gains x2. -Perverts don't "First Kiss". They're not looking for romance. Even if they're romantic. They love to kiss and grab but they don't wait for the "perfect moment". They just go for it. Sometimes a bit too early... (Perverts now automatically achieve the "First Kiss" level just by being near sims they are attracted to. This unlocks the other kisses and encourages the pervert to use them autonomously.)
Ripping Clothes Off -New interaction for Perverted Wizard. Perverted Duel. Results in losers clothes being disintegrated IF winner is perverted. -New "clothes disintegrated" buffs for having clothes disintegrated during a wizard battle. -New interaction for Devious- "Rip Bra Off" becomes available after the sims outfit has been torn off or disintegrated off. This includes different reactions depending on if the other sim is also devious. -New interaction for Devious- "Rip Undershirt Off" becomes available after the male outfit has been torn off or disintegrated off. (It's possible to skip this if the undershirt was torn off when the outfit was torn off or there was none) -New "bra ripped off" buffs for awkwards (drunk and sober) and perverts. -New "undershirt ripped off" buffs for awkwards (drunk and sober) and perverts. -New fear and shock buffs from getting stripped (indoor and outdoor) -Integrated the "ripping off clothes" with "I want to show you something" and "Molest in bush" so you can get clothes torn off one way and then another. -Added attraction based conditions to all ripping interactions. So if your sim isn't attracted to the victims gender, the interaction will not show.
Drugging Drinks -Increased the chance that a Devious sim would autonomously drug a drink from 4% to 5% because as far as I could tell, it was never happening.
Misc -New interaction for Perverts : "Are you Hard?" becomes available if the target has a hard on in their pants. Includes responses and reactions for both perverts and sexually awkwards (sober and drunk) -New interaction for Perverts : "Undress and free your hard on!" becomes available after the targets hard on in his pants has been noticed and mentioned. -Added Attraction Based conditions to "Kiss and Fondle in Closet" interaction for sexually awkwards. -New Interaction for Perverts : "I want to get you drunk" becomes available after the Sexually Awkward (YA,A,E) has been put in "Panties in a Bunch/Boxers in a Twist" mode.
Vampires -Introducing the Vampire add on for players that want the Perverted Expansion Pack modifications. Requires "Vampires Game Pack" Completely optional add on. -Added Reward Traits for Perverts and Sexually Awkward sims. These traits are for the victims. Not the Vampires. You can find them in the Reward Store! (these traits are what make the biting and the drinking more sexual) -Added Buff Replacement for "Recently Bitten" that are Flirty and do not drain the sims energy. (for Pervert and Sexually Awkward) for the traits from the reward store. -Asking permission to Drink is very acceptable to Perverts and Sexually Awkwards right away. -Bites from Perverted Vampires on sims with the Vampire Reward Traits have the same effects as drinking alcohol. The first bite, the victim will get Tipsy. The second Bite, the victim will get a Drunk and a Feeling Horny buff. A third bite and the victim will receive the Wasted and Lost Inhibitions buffs. -If plasma drain is chosen as a club activity, the Vampire will drink and drink and drink all night long. **Planned, a Vampire getting Drunk from drinking from Drunk sims.
Changes -Made changes to the loot that a pervert recieves when failing at kisses and hugging other sims. They get the rewards that sims get with successful hugging and kissing. -Removed previous Vampire modifications from the main mod. -Removed the "Sex Needs" buff that was replacing the "Lovelorn" buff. (it was interfering with behaviour) So now the Pervert, with the "Romantic" trait will not get either.
Autonomy -Continued balancing of autonomous behaviour. -Devious on Devious Ripping off clothes is no longer autonomous.
Bug Fixes -Fixed "Accidentally spill drink" (on self) If sim is sexually awkward and klutzy there is a chance they will spill a drink on self forcing them to undress. Fixed the conditions allowing it to occur while sitting preventing the animation from playing. Now it only occurs when drinking and standing, dancing or walking. -A massive (about 300 items) invalid tuning's (minor syntax errors) in the mod have been repaired.
This months update is a mixed back of improvements but the focus was autonomy. It's time to expect the unexpected. These recent changes make playing a Sexually Awkward sim much more interesting. Autonomy This has been the focus. I have been making more interactions, more autonomous. (greater likelihood they will be chosen by autonomy) -Perverts, when feeling flirty, will now act more interested in romantic and flirty interactions becoming more aggressive autonomously. (these adjustments also apply to the Sexually Awkward when they get drunk) -Sexually Awkward sims, when stressed or embarrassed, will now act less interested in romantic and flirty interactions becoming more defensive autonomously. -Increased autonomy for Social Interactions: ⦁ Let me tend bar for you ⦁ Will you serve me/us alcohol ⦁ Want to drink some alcohol ⦁ Can I make you a drink -NPC Initiated situations will give a notice so the player so they know what is happening. -Custom Romantic and Flirty interactions are attraction based so some interactions won't be available if your sim is not attracted to them. Ripping Clothes Off -New interaction for Sexually Awkward : "Oh wow! What happened to your clothes?!" when interacting with a male who has had their clothes torn off. -New interaction for Sexually Awkward : "Oh my! What happened to your clothes?!" when interacting with a female who has had their clothes torn off. -A number of new proximity buffs for males and females who have had their clothes torn off, while drunk, or sober. -Added for Sexually Awkward female: "Do you like my bra and panties?" interaction when clothes have been torn off while drunk. -Added for Sexually Awkward male: "Show off underwear" interaction when clothes have been torn off while drunk. -After the clothing is ripped off, the pervert will laugh at the embarrassed sexually awkward and if they are both perverts, they will laugh at each other. Drugging Drinks -Added buff for Naive sims that accidentally drug themselves at the bar with a daterape drug. It shows after the drink has been consumed. -Added buff for Naive sims that accidentally drug themselves at the bar with an erection drug. It shows after the drink has been consumed. -Added interaction for Naive: "I've accidentally drugged myself!" available after drugging self. Underage Drinking -Perverts (ages YA,A,E) can now stress out a teen making them far more receptive to the idea of drinking alcohol. -Perverts (ages T) can now stress out a Sexually Awkward sim making them agree to being served drinks by the teen. Misc -Interaction For Sexually Awkward: "Um.. that is a ... pretty bra... you're wearing." becomes available when interacting with a sim who is showing off a bra. -Interaction For Sexually Awkward: "Say something awkward." available from the start. -Interaction For Naive: "Say something completely innocent." available from the start. -Interaction For Sexually Awkward: "Make awkward joke." available from the start. -Other sims around Sexually Awkwards who have decided to undress because it is hot(from drinking) will now join in on the undressing. Pervert - If NOT Devious - "Feel up in closet" results in kissy marks on target sim when exiting closet. The target consents or can refuse based on relationship status and how drunk target is. (male and female target specific) Devious - "I want to show you something" is meant to be deceptive. The Devious sim is tricking the target to the closet and then pulls them in before it's too late. The target doesn't get time to consent or refuse. The result is kissy marks on the target and the targets clothes get ripped off. ***Penalties are planned. -Added the drunk version of "I like your underwear. They look... um.. tight." for sexually awkwards. Vampires -Vampires can feed on Sexually Awkward and Perverted sims as much as they want. Instead of receiving a "Recently Bitten" buff that prohibits any more feeding from that sim, the Sexually Awkward and Perverted sims receive "Recently Bitten" buffs that are more sexual in nature and allow bite after bite all night long. (especially if you make drinking blood a club activity) Changes -Pervert teens are far more likely agree to drinking with an adult. Now 80% chance they will agree to drinking. -Some drinking situations, once started prevent other drinking situations from being initiated by NPC's. Bug Fixes -Fixed "Cloth Ripping" custom sound effect was only sounding if interaction was started by a devious pervert that was the active sim. Now it will play every time. - "Shall we have another?" is now available for Sexually Awkwards adults to teens after the teen has already had one drink. -"If your boner is uncomfortable, undress" is now available for Sexually Awkwards to say to Perverts who have been given an erection pill. (as long as they are at least tipsy) -Fixed embarrassing memories coming back over and over again. Now, after getting drunk and doing some embarrassing things, a Sexually Awkward sim will get embarrassing memories after sobering up once, because once is enough. -Fixed "Raging Hardon" and "Date Rape Drugged" showing up before the drink was consumed. -Fixed Strip Poker games initiated by Sexually Awkwards. Players weren't stripping in games with only 2 players. -Fixed "Will you serve us alcohol" situation not including the teen who instigated it.
New Additions Ripping Clothes Off -Added new interaction for Devious: "Rip {1.SimFirstName}'s clothes off" resulting in a fight that rips the target sims clothes off! If your sim wins the fight or not, is not important. Your deviously perverted sim is focused more on pulling the clothes off their opponent and are willing to take a punch or two to do it.
A devious sim can run this interaction on sims they have not been introduced too. If a Sexually Awkward sim gets their clothes ripped off they will run away and leave the scene as soon as possible.
If a devious sim attacks another devious sim, they will rip each others clothes off.
There are currently 4 bras and 4 panties that will mix and match when a females clothes are ripped off.
There are currently 2 undershirts and 1 no shirt option and 3 boxer shorts that will mix and match when a male sims clothes are torn off.
-Added for Sexually Awkward: Proximity Buff "Feeling Exposed" when clothes get ripped off for males and females.
-Added for Perverts: Proximity Buff "Exposed underwear" when near a male sim who's clothes have been ripped off.
-Added for Perverts: Proximity Buff "Exposed bra and panties" when near a female sim who's clothes have been ripped off.
-Added for Sexually Awkward: "You ripped my clothes off!" social interaction exclusively available with the pervert who ripped your outfit off.
-Added for Sexually Awkward: "OMG! Your clothes have been ripped off!!" social interaction when interaction with a sim who had their clothes torn off.
-Added for Pervert: "What happened to your clothes?!?" social interaction when interaction with a sim who had their clothes torn off.
-Added a number of scared reaction buffs depending on location (indoors/outdoors at home)
-Added a unique buff for sims that are police officers that have their outfits torn off.
(creator note*** I have been trying to get this to work since the beginning!!! Sofa king happy!!) However, it's not perfect. I cheated to make this work. So what happens, is the current outfit your sim has on, changes appearance (to underwear) and is not actually removed. Which means, when you remove the items, there is underwear under them. But your sim will act like they have had their clothes torn off and look like they've had their clothes torn off. Photography -Added for Sexually Awkward: Sober responses to: "Maybe take off more clothes?" -Added for Sexually Awkward: Sober responses to: "Maybe take something off?" -Added for Pervert: Response to: "Maybe take off more clothes?" Drugging Drinks -If your sim is Naive and Clumsy together they are now twice as likely (10%) to "Accidentally" drug a drink with and erection pill or date rape drug. (Can accidentally drug their own drink now!) -If your sim is Naive and drunk together they are now twice as likely (10%) to "Accidentally" drug a drink with and erection pill or date rape drug. (Can accidentally drug their own drink now!) -If your sim is Naive, clumsy and drunk at the same time they are now three times as likely (15%) to "Accidentally" drug a drink with and erection pill or date rape drug. (Can accidentally drug their own drink now!) Strip Chess -Added a Strip Chess situation which starts automatically when finding a sim who will play. -Added for Sexually Awkward: Drunk responses to the question, "Want to play strip chess?" Misc -Added for Pervert: Drunk Response to, "You're a very sexy teenage girl!" (only available if YA,A,E has been drinking alcohol) -Added for Pervert: "You're a very sexy teenage boy!" (only available if YA, A, E has been drinking alcohol) Including drunk and sober responses. -Clothing is now removed from any sim that gets pulled in to a closet or a bush with a devious pervert. -Perverts will now autonomously take their shirt off if they get wet and are inside. (Ways they can get wet are from being in the rain or from repairing plumbing) -Added drunk response to "Did I just catch you staring at my crotch?" -Added drunk and perverted response to "Did I just catch you staring at my breasts?" -Added Gender Preference Conditions to social interactions. So some things will not be available depending on what sex your sim is attracted too! -Clumsy trait on a Sexually Awkward sim can accidentally spill a drink on themselves. It's autonomous and rare but it happens. When it does the sexually awkward sim will undress to their underwear to get out of the sticky and wet clothes. -Perverts and Naive sims are now very cool with vampires asking permission to drink. Even if the friendship is a bit negative. (Down to -20) Changes Changed: Social Interaction for Pervert during strip poker match, "Maybe we should keep this secret" to "I'll keep this game secret." when playing strip poker with a sim in a relationship. Added a notice response from the sim acknowledging the secret. Interactions that will no longer appear with the rest of the dialog options and can be found under "Manipulation" only: I'm allergic to your clothes. -Changed Interaction: "Change (SIM NAME) in to a Devious sim." to appear under pervy options only. -Changed Interaction: "Change (SIM NAME) in to a Naive sim." to appear under pervy options only. Autonomy All drinking interactions are now autonomous. Teens asking adults to bar tend, teens offering to bar tend for adults, Adults wanting to have drinks, etc. All closet kissing interactions are now autonomous. Players should notice pervert and sexually awkward interactions being autonomously used by NPC's more. Bug Fixes -"I want to show you something" & "Kiss and fondle in closet" will no longer appear when there is no closet around. -Fixed relationship trait markers not being deleted when they should have been. -Fixed a bug with the "compliment outfit" goal. Now can be accomplished with "compliment appearance and compliment outfit. -Fixed a bug stopping pervert sims from removing an item of clothing when asked during the sexy pic situation. -Fixed the "Pestering" function with the "Will you serve me/us alcohol?" for teens. Now, if a teen is denied the first time when asking an adult to serve them alcohol, the next time they ask, the chance the adult agrees jumps to 80% they receive a pestering buff and if the adult agrees, a notice reflecting on being pestered. -Fixed a number of interactions from being incorrectly found under "small talk" -Fixed a number of traits that were appearing when they should have been invisible.
Ничего не вышло, опять!(( Я скачала отсюда обновление, в списке допов были Стрелы купидона. Зашла через sims 40, включила моды, вышла, в sims 4 перенесла saves, mods, tray, удалила cachestr, localthumbcache.package. Версия игры все также 107.
Дорогие модераторы, хочется попросить вас выпустить свой перевод данного мода так как еогда кликаешь на сима с кодом разработчика и заходишь в меню мода там лишь видны смайлики что не очень удобно для настройки мода. Нет текста.
Тоже столкнулся с этой проблемой. Вероятно, проблема в том, что этот скриптовый файл лежит у вас глубже одной папки. Как правильно: mods -> папка -> скриптовый файл Как не правильно mods -> папка -> ещё папка -> скриптовый файл Сначала у меня был неправильный вариант. Перетащив скриптовый файл на уровень вверх, проблема решилась. Советую прочитать эту статью про организацию папки mods: https://simsafterdark.com/diy-troubleshooting-library/how-to-organize-your-mods -folder/
Мод обновлён под вресию игры 1.108 Версия игры, указанная на скрине - 1.105 Это прога неверно считала или Вы действительно обновляете моды, не обновляя игру?
Да, если в новой папке сохранять нечего - можно её удалить, оставив пока sims40, и попробовать обновиться ещё раз. Посмотрите внимательно путь, куда "обновлять" будет, может, действительно адрес другой, не тот, что на ярлыке, и там эта обновлённая копия уже есть ) Большинство установщиков чего бы то ни было по дефолту норовят всё впихнуть на диск С, если этап пропустить, не указать другой путь - то куда-то на С и упадёт ) Или можно перекачать торрент с того же сайта, если там версия обновлена, на старое место. Просто указать тот же путь, торрент проверит имеющиеся файлы, докачает недостающие новые и заменит устаревшие. "Ручная версия Апдейтера" ) Предыдущие версии викеда есть на этом сайте, на страничке мода - целый список старых версий, под 107 точно есть.
Клёвый мод. Мне очень нравиться ещё вроде бы он добавляет взаимодействие в душе мыть друг друга. Если я не ошибаюсь. НО МНЕ СТАЛО ПОНЯТНО ПОЧЕМУ khals СДЕЛАЛ МОД НА МЫТЬ СИМАМ ДРУГ ДРУГА В ВАННОЙ
Обновите сам мод, только удалите перед этим предыдущие файлы, так как они не заменяются (кроме файла cfg, это ваши настройки мода). Сейчас версия 2.982 у мода.
Как обычно, задумка шикарная, но реализация сомнительная. Уже далеко не в первый раз с восторгом скачиваю этот мод и вскоре удаляю, потому что раздражает жутко. Если город дождливый, особенно в определенное время года, электричество будет вырубать чуть ли не каждый игровой день, а то и не по разу. Так же смутило отключение света в старшей школе. Не знаю, что там с этим на участках с открытыми карьерами врача, ученого и детектива, но, думаю, доработки моду нужны, хотя бы шанс отключения снизить, а то вырубается всё от каждого дождичка. Может, для какого-нибудь сюжета по сельской жизни будет идеально, но, например, жизнь в мегаполисе отыгрывать мешает
Да, папку переименовала, она находится по адресу Документы-Electronic Arts. Дальше Sims 40 и появившаяся Sims 4 старой версии.
Может быть мне удалить эту новую папку, попробовать обновить снова, оставив sims 40?
Устанавливала полностью пиратку от anadius, запускаю через ярлык, как вы написали: Sims4/Game/Bin/TS4_DX9х64.exe. Возможно, действительно создало две игры, но где тогда искать вторую?
Я думаю, викед не работает из-за несоответствия версий, все-таки я качала самую последнюю, а старых версий на официальном сайте нет. Обычный custom content отображается корректно.
То что ты выбрал оба и игра не выдает ошибок говорит только о том, что у тебя работает только тот файл, что загружается первым во время запуска игры. Если бы ты прочитал мой пост, ты бы понял что в принципе оба файла сразу работать не могут. Один исключает другой и иметь оба нет смысла.
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста, с чем это может быть связано (Рекомендуемые действия: У вас плохой скриптовый мод. Он может быть устаревшим или сломанным. Проверьте у создателя наличие обновления или удалите указанный мод. Возможная причина (Уверенность: 100% ): Lumpinou_RPO_Collection_M00_CoreLibrary_REQUIRED_v2.981.ts4script Причина: Указанный скриптовый мод не удалось загрузить, его следует удалить или обновить. Исключение в Sim Timeline: Исключение при запуске Element (AttributeError: объект 'object_Half_Wall' не имеет атрибута 'set_state') )? Насколько это критично, раз это основной/важный модуль, получается у меня не работает на полную мод? Всё обновлено. https://postimg.cc/gallery/SMYNkGG - ссылка на скриншоты ошибки, моих файлов и пункта из этой статьи.
Это общая беда этого форума — моды обновляются, ссылки на новые версии и переводы появляются, а описания админам лень редактировать, так и висят годами устаревшие.
-Remove your current .package file and .TS4SCRIPT file of FlirtyFetishes
-PICK ONLY ONE .package file: AllTraits or ConflictingTraits *The files are titled so you know the difference.
-Add the .TS4SCRIPT file *Make sure it is no more than ONE folder deep!
С хрена ли я должен понять по названию файлов какой фал с чем конфликтует и на чем собственно мне основывать выбор файлов? Я не выкупаю что за конфликт, с чем конфликт, что мне ля выбрать?
Вот инфа с другого сайта, что бы люди хоть понимали в чем разница и зачем что-то выбирать:
* The difference between the TWO .package files:
AllTraits = Any Sim can have ANY and ALL BDSiM Traits. A Sadist can also be a Masochist.
ConflictingTraits = Only Sims with Dominant Type Traits can have Dominant Type Traits and vice versa--the way it has been.