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Wicked Whims v186.5 - 14.03.2025 (Patreon) (последняя версия на русском) Wicked Whims v184e - 14.03.2025 (Public) (последняя версия на русском) Действует на версиях: 1.113+
В связи с требованиями Patreon, в данном моде, а так же в моде NWP были заблокированы настройки инцеста. Чтобы они вновь появились, используйте этот патч WickedWhims Inappropriate Unlock 1.0.2
Что такое Wicked Whims ?
WickedWhims - это мод, который предлагает различные анимированные сексуальные сцены, возможность взаимодействия с обнаженными персонажами, эксгибиционизм, а также улучшение отношений и игрового процесса. Если вы хотите, чтобы ваши симы занимались сексом, пробовали натуризм или флиртовали с соседями, то WickedWhims – это то, что вам нужно!
Новые пользовательские взаимодействия, механики, навыки, черты характера, настроения, прихоти, реакции, автономия наготы и секса, пользовательские объекты и анимации, развитие сюжета и улучшение существующего геймплея.
С выходом дополнения "Старшая школа" произошло некоторое изменение у симов в подростковом возрасте. Теперь, для участия подростков в сексе необходимо (помимо включения в настройках мода: "Adult-Teen Relationships Switch", "Teens Sex Switch" и "Teens Nudity Switch") нужному (или всем) добавить черту "Post-Puberty" через меню мода WW на симе! Все вышеописанные манипуляции доступны только при наличии дополнительного мода WickedWhims Inappropriate Unlockв папке с основным модом WickedWhims, который разблокирует функции мода и включает параметры инцеста и подросткового секса в настройках!
Эта версия не совместима со всеми модами сценариев, которые связаны напрямую с WW. Также эта версия WickedWhims 174 содержит в себе множество глюков, багов и ошибок. Об этом предупредил сам Turbodriver. Если вам всё же интересно потестировать WW174, то это нужно делать на чистом сохранении в новой игре без каких-либо модов зависящих от WW.
Oh no, what is this? You should feel scared, but just a little. This release is special because it's me explicitly asking you to help test how stable and reliable it is. Typically releases are intended to have some expected level of stability because the changes aren't that significant. This release on the other hand has lots of critical internal changes that might have resulted in issues, but I have no way to know without some more people giving me feedback. If you're willing to stress test things, that would help assure everything is working as intended.
If you use other script mods that connect with WickedWhims (like Nisa's Wicked Perversions), you cannot install this release as it's most likely not compatible right now.
If you're planning on continuing playing your regular game save, load into gameplay and start by saving it into a new save slot, as the newly introduced save system will not work with older releases of WickedWhims.
Errors are expected, it would be great if you reported them to me, check out how in the 'Trouble?' section below.
Future releases of WickedWhims will include all of the listed changes and more. At this moment you can give this release a try, see if everything is working well, and continue playing as usual, as long as you follow the conditions listed above.
COMMON ISSUES ❗❗❗ Make sure to never save on the Manage Worlds screen. Saving the game on the Manage Worlds screen creates faulty save slots and cannot be properly recognized by mods, so you risk losing save data. ❗ If you're having issues with teen Sims, please first refer to this statement before commenting. ❗ If the tongue or penis is appearing floating/stretched/distorted (even when Sim is not having sex) then you need to delete incompatible/outdated mods affecting tongues and/or penises. Here's a list of known PACKAGE files causing issues:
NANDONG_yfHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package
NANDONG_ymHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package
Fixed not being able to undress male Sims outfit top
Fixed not being able to change into underwear during sex
Fixed sex autonomy probability objects category not saving
Fixed sending nude selfies seemingly not doing anything
Fixed error on travel if Sim recently undressed
Fixed peeping Sims sometimes taking pictures nonstop
Fixed saved sex interactions not loading with correct sex animation
Fixed streamer mode censorship getting stuck on Sims
Fixed Body Selector choices not being converted from the old to the new save system
New Save System
Completely reworked the save system
The save system is now completely integrated with the base game format, following standard conventions and solutions which assure stability and reliability. No more weird hidden households or do_not_remove Sims. Always save when in gameplay, as saving at the Manage Worlds screen can cause issues with your save, even without mods. ❗ Majority of the save data is now handled by base game formats, but some complex data is saved externally in the 'complex_save_data' folder, make sure to never delete it. You're free to delete the 'save_data_backup' folder once you decide to stay with this release. ⚠️ Warning! Saving the game with this new save system will prevent that save from downgrading, so make sure to save on a new save slot before beginning to play. Most of your existing save data should be automatically converted to the new save format. Notable exceptions are disabled sex locations and selected strapons on Sims. Sorry about the inconvenience, some data is now stored in a whole new way and I had no safe way to convert it.
New Settings System
Introduced Settings Profiles
To keep settings reliable, they are no longer directly saved within the game save. Settings are now saved as independent external files called "profiles". Profiles can be used by any game save and altered at any time across all game saves that use the same profile. A new profile is created for every new game and subsequent game save slots will continue to use the same profile. You can now make a profile with your favorite settings and use it in every game save, altering any settings will apply to every other existing game save or new game saves that use this profile.
❕ Changes done in settings are now instantly saved and remain regardless if you saved the game. Nudity
Updated male body bottom
Thank You to Noir for the continuous effort to improve the default body models and Thank You to Khlas for helping with the technical implementation. Body Selector
Expanded body choices for mixed genders
Sims that have an altered body frame can now access more options in the Body Selector to better fit the needs of the modified body shape. This should allow you to fix occasional visual glitches when an opposing gender model is being used by default. Underwear
Reworked the underwear implementation
Reworking and limiting the underwear system was one of the sacrifices necessary for the new save system to work, but it's not all doom and gloom! The new underwear system lets you create three sets of underwear that you can change into at any time. Instead of underwear being assigned to an outfit, these underwear sets are now independent and can be combined with any outfit. Sims will always undress to the last used underwear set unless you choose a different one. You do have fewer underwear sets in total, but you do get more flexibility which underwear set is used when and with which outfit.
Sex Autonomy
Added 'Sex Autonomy Probability' interactions
Removed 'Sex Animations Memory' and 'Sex Locations Memory' functionality
The Sex Animations and Locations Memory systems were meant to help balance the usage frequency of animations and locations by Sims, but it's hard to measure how impactful that implementation was. Instead of leaving it to the machine, Sex Animations are used more frequently when they are marked as favorite, and Locations are used more frequently with the use of Sex Autonomy Probability interactions. With Sex Autonomy Probability you can adjust all objects within a category or specific objects likeliness of sex autonomous usage. Or just disable an object from being used. Simply click on an object and go to Wicked -> Sex Control.
Added 'Display Sex Autonomy Room Info' debug interaction
Improved sex autonomy environment detection
Normally I wouldn't mention debug functionalities, but this one is built for player usage. You can access 'Sex Autonomy Room Info' by Shift+Clicking on an object inside of an enclosed space and go to Wicked -> Sex -> Display Sex Autonomy Room Info. What is Sex Autonomy Room information useful for? Maybe clearing up some confusion. Sims know where to have sex thanks to this information, but you might not understand why they pick that specific room for sex. Now you can check what Sims see and why would they choose a specific location. Additionally, if the information you're seeing doesn't make sense, that might help me further balance the environment detection code. Other
Made Shower and Hot Springs WooHoo count as cleaning interactions
Although not all height sliders can be supported, the improved height slider mods support can handle multiple different kinds of height sliders at once. And the improved stability should help in case of errors. Currently, supported height sliders include: Luumia, REDHEADSIMS, and simmythesim.
Made Sims fade out a little later when going to the sex location
Fixed Sims not being able to use larger objects as sex locations
Made small improvements in the organization of Sex Settings
Added context tags to some GreyNaya animations
Fixed compatibility issues with Lumpinou's WooHoo Wellness mod
Sex/Nudity - Body
Introduced new male and female body with animated anus and vagina
Nudity - Penis Size Manipulation
Added the 'Penis Size Manipulation Switch' setting
Added Penis Size Adjustments pie menu category under Anatomy & Clothing The Penis Adjustments menu lets you can change Sims penis length and girth, with the addition of adjusting testicles size and testicles asymmetry. For problematic custom penis models you can use the vertical tilt adjustment.
This feature is disabled by default as adjusting size will cause slight geometry clipping and misalignment, but if you're alright with that then have fun! You can enable Penis Size Manipulation in Nudity Settings -> Body Settings.
Thanks to Crilender for introducing a few of these sliders in the first place.
Sex - Tongue
Reimplemented the tongue functionality
Replaced the tongue model
Fixed clipping of the tongue model with extreme head sizes Major changes to the animating rig required reworking how the tongue is implemented. This meant the old tongue couldn't be used anymore which was a great opportunity to improve its visuals. Unfortunately, the reimplemented tongue functionality comes with some flaws that couldn't be fully avoided.
So what's so bad with the new tongue functionality? Pushing things means fighting with the limitations of the game and that required making the tongue independent from the Sim body itself. This can result in some odd behavior in certain situations that alter Sim typical body structure or shape. In most cases, this won't be necessary but you can now click on the tongue itself to hide it or make it always hidden in settings. I'm not aware of any common cases where this is needed but let me know if you encounter any and I will work towards better compatibility.
TV Porn / Masturbation
Added 'Watch Porn' on TV
Added dynamic on-demand TV porn videos
Added unique reaction to being caught watching TV porn There it is, the ability to watch smut in the comfort of your living room. Sit down on your comfy sofa, turn on your TV, and select a video you want to watch. Just make sure nobody is home when you do this or things can change from relaxing to embarrassing.
Any content creator can now introduce their own videos into the game and make them available on the 'Watch Porn' functionality. That's what makes the on-demand part d-y-n-a-m-i-c. If you like watching TV with your Sims, this might be a really handy feature for you.
Added masturbation to TV Porn
Added autonomous TV Porn masturbation What is the point in watching smut on TV if you can't relieve some stress with it. Sims watching porn on TV can now masturbate to it by simply clicking on them and selecting the "Masturbate to TV Porn".
And if there is some stress to relieve, Sims are more likely to watch porn on TV than on their computer. After all, it would be a shame not to use the Ultra High Definition display of your television.
Sex - Strapon
Reworked the Strapon implementation
Replaced the CAS Strapon screen with an in-game menu
Added 'Sex Strapon Settings' settings
Added a setting to set the default global strapon Sims will use
Added an interaction to Equip/Unequip Strapon during sex
Added an interaction to allow Auto Equipping/Unequpping Strapon during sex The strapon system can be pretty unpredictable and annoying to customize for Sims, so the new changes focus on more control and quicker management.
By default, Sims will equip and unequip their strapon when the animation requires it, but if it's wrong, then you can easily change what should be happening by clicking on the Sims.
The strapons are no longer changed in CAS and are instead quickly adjustable via a menu in-game that lists them all. Make sure to update the strapon mods you're using so they are correctly displayed in the menu.
Sex - Wall Marker
Added Wall Sex Marker object What even is this? Good question. It's an attempt to introduce a positioning template that would allow for sex positions against walls. At this very moment, this object offers no sex animations, but most window animations can be converted to it. In the future, thanks to this object, any wall at any place might become a location available for sex.
Menstrual Cycle
Added 'Ovulation' status moodlet Here's something to balance the menstrual cycle experience, letting Sims know when they are the most fertile, instead of having to check phone apps or debug info.
Window Peeping
Fixed newly created premade peeping Sims participating in the Neighborhood Stories System
Simplified and rebalanced the Impressions feature
Removed the ability to fake personality
Replaced the 'Greedy' personality with the 'Sinister' personality The Impressions feature didn't get a lot of use since release and it could have been designed a lot better from the beginning. The simplification changes make this feature a lot more straightforward, simply offering additional personality traits that come with social interactions and personality compatibility.
Additional social interactions are only available between Sims that discover each other personality and their personalities are compatible. Having conversations that fit Sims compatible personalities grows their positive impression which improves their relationship.
And the 'Greedy' personality archetype has been replaced due to being very limited and narrow-minded. The 'Sinister' personality archetype is all about doing bad things and making Sims feel bad.
Relationships - Other
Added 'Romance Gender Preference Outcome' setting Normally in the game, Sims don't care about their gender preference and will be alright flirting with anybody, as their preference is meant to be fluid and adapt to the player's actions. With Attractiveness allowing you to select gender preference, this can be problematic as Sims will respond positively to flirting but will refuse sexual interactions. The 'Romance Gender Preference Outcome' setting will alter all romance responses to respect gender preference so you will not be confused anymore.
Pose Packs Support
Added support for poses If you're not aware, the Pose Player by Andrew available on the Sims4Studio forum is a widely used mod for anybody taking pictures in the game. I was often asked to support poses so the positioning tool can be used... so I asked Andrew if this would be okay and here it is! Adult Sims can be posed with access to outfit, camera, and positioning features that are already in place.
You should still keep the Pose Player by Andrew for your regular usage as this posing functionality doesn't support all Sims and doesn't work the same way.
Wicked Secrets
Added 'WickedWhims Secrets' tutorials Some functions in WickedWhims are not so obvious to everybody or are simply hidden in places that not everyone looks into. Maybe even you don't know everything about this mod, so check out the WickedWhims Secrets Lessons category.
New tutorials will be added with time, usually after I notice that some players are asking for things that already exist but don't know how to find them.
Updated text to support custom pronouns
Fixed the 'ww.fix' command taking too long to process
◆ Compatibility with the 1.105.297 (February 27th) game patch ✔️ WickedWhims is now ONLY compatible with the 1.105.297 (February 27th) game patch! ◆ Increased Bump and Grind autonomy desire ◆ Made Eternally Faithful Sims only allowed to do Bump and Grind with their partner ◆ Fixed Bump and Grind not working for some Sims ◆ SimHub pictures tooltip now includes information if the picture was already uploaded ◆ Next sex animation button tooltip now displays if the animation is a favorite ◆ Sims having sex will now leave groups (ensembles) to remove the group diamond above their heads ◆ Fixed solo sex autonomy not respecting disabled venue types ◆ Fixed Bump and Grind claiming that all Sims are pregnant последнее ◆ Fixed Bump and Grind claiming that all Sims are pregnant
версия 177.1 [2023-03-17]
Фиксированные семейные отношения не проверяются
Исправлена привлекательность и особые отношения, не отображаемые в профилях симов
v177 [2023-03-17]
Совместимость с игровым патчем 1.96.365 (14 марта)
Добавлена совместимость с пакетом расширения Growing Together
Сделал все функции совместимыми с характеристиками sim Likes & Dislikes
Обновленные личности впечатлений для уважения к темам разговора Нравится и не нравится
Обновлены все социальные взаимодействия, чтобы они вписывались в новые категории взаимодействия
Исправлена случайная романтика, не работающая с новыми категориями взаимодействия
Скорректированная скорость роста лобковых волос в соответствии с продолжительностью жизни в новом возрасте
Переработана настройка «Весы распределения гендерных предпочтений» в соответствии с игрой
❗ Если вы являетесь пользователем моего мода Both Options Pregnancy (Intersex), он больше не будет обновляться. Пожалуйста, получите обновленную альтернативу, сделанную Maars.
v175.1 (In-Works)
Fixed all Sims seeing each other's Attractiveness as "Basic Looking"
Fixed an error when Sims with the Loyal trait cheat on partner
Fixed Casual Romantic Sims getting asked to be girlfriend/boyfriend
Fixed working data persistence when saving to a new save slot during gameplay
Fixed Eternally Faithful Sims being able to use some flirty interactions on all Sims
Fixed an error when using 3D pubic hair
Fixed an error after using the 'Check Yourself Out' mirror interaction
Fixed Sex Autonomy not recognizing that objects are placed on Coffee Tables, Accent Tables, and TV Stands
Fixed certain interactions not being restricted when using the Pose feature
Fixed and improved detection of sex that can initiate pregnancy
Fixed not being able to re-color pubic hair
Fixed the ‘Wicked Wall Sex Marker’ not showing up in Build/Buy under Custom Content
Added ‘animation_has_visible_tongue’ sex animation actor variable
Animators can use this variable to disable tongues from showing up on Sims during animations. This is mostly useful when an animation doesn’t use tongues.
Made Sims display a refusal thought bubble when rejecting romancing Sims due to gender preference
Made player asking for sex respect the 'Romance Gender Preference Outcome' relationship setting
This mechanic will most likely change due to the upcoming changes with gender preference in base game.
Made Strip Club bartending employees avoid trying to prepare drinks with special crafting requirements
Made the 'Ovulation' moodlet not alter Sim mood
Fixed peeping through windows sometimes not uncovering the indoors
Fixed Sims using the wrong genital animation during various masturㅤbation interactions
Fixed Sexpertise books not supporting retail shelves
Thank you to Peco from CinErotique for helping with the books!
Improved default female body bottom visuals
Made Sims use the original feet models by default again
Fixed Sims sometimes not dressing up when leaving the lot
Fixed Sim tongue appearing with a layer of snow when outdoors
Fixed issues with supporting special case female body bottom
Fixed custom werewolf body parts not staying on Sims
Fixed rare errors when loading Sims using custom content body parts
Fixed Sims refusing sex sometimes resulting in an error
Fixed clicking on draggable objects sometimes causing errors
Не рабочая ссылка? Или знаете о выходе новой версии? Сообщите нам в комментариях ниже. Спасибо! Если вы хотите стать автором публикации, пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь формой обратной связи.
да там просто бред с этими предметами, после их установки при открытии строительства игра уходит в бесконечное сохранение лучше их не добавлять. подскажите как отключить обновления игры. в стиме отключил а сам лаунчер не запускает сразу игра. длс установлены через унлокер
Несколько советов. 1. Убедитесь что в пути к папке Updater нет кириллицы и длинных имен с пробелами, несмотря на то что Windows позволяет работать с такими путями, очень часто сторонними приложениями они обрабатываются некорректно. Пример: C:\tmp\Updater будет предпочтительнее чем запуск с рабочего стола. 2. Перенесите всю папку Sims 4 так же в любое место без длинных имен и кириллицы. Даже если используемый путь к игре C:\Programm Files\Sims 4" не подойдет. Сделайте короче и проще. 3. Удалите из папки Updater файлы updater_files.cache и updater_remote.cache. Это заставит Updater пересчитать заново все файлы игры, да это займет гораздо больше времени чем обычно но позволит программе как бы начать с чистого листа. 4. Запускайте исполняемый файл Updater от имени администратора. И не забудьте отключить антивирус. Если запущены фоном какие либо программы синхронизации дисков с облаком их тоже лучше отключить на время. 5. Проблемы с возможной недоступностью или блокировкой серверов для обновления решается через VPN
Вчера пробовала обновиться CRYTICAL ERROR словила. Проблема, к сожалению осталась. Какие танцы с бубном нужно сделать, что бы все заработало, так и не поняла. К сожалению инструкция от автора не помогла. Все еще надеюсь, что это со временем исправится, ведь все работало без проблем и ошибок много лет. Грущу :с
На версии 1.112 отлично работает. Очень понравился мод. Не тестировал всю функциональность, но "получить контроль" над любым симом легко получается, ну и убрать контроль (багов никаких не заметил, из своей предыдущей семьи сим не пропадает). Кажется тут также есть еще добавление/удаление в "гости" также как и в Sim Control Hub (комунальная квартира, пока-что не пробовал это).
Мытье под дождем для чудиков это фича в Sims 4 надоедливая, и с WW не связана. Ищите моды на запрет автономии мытья под дождем или используйте МССC для поиска и запрета. Одно из двух.
помогите) стоит WW, но я им сейчас особо не пользуюсь по прямому назначению так как сюжет немного другой. у меня симка с чудоковатой чертой постоянно бежит по дождь купаться, при этом раздеваясь полностью до гола. я уже все настройки наготы перелапатила - не могу никак отключить. может кто нибудь знает куда жмать и есть ли какая то возможность хотя бы в нижнее белье ее одеть?
Фут фетишей - в WW нет, это от какого то другого мода, все жизненные цели от WW в разделе "Похоть" в списке целей там Нудизм и Кино для взрослых, больше никаких целей мод WW не вводит. Возможно это что то еще у вас установлено.
Для WW никаких дополнительных модов не нужно, только анимации и СС контент к ним если требуется, все черты характера персонажей в возможные опции в WW включаются и отключаются без проблем.
такой вопрос в этом моде разные черты характера и смыслы жизни присутствуют но они не рабочие и как я понимаю это из-за отсутствия дополнительных модов связаных с этим? как блин собрать все в кучу ? есть какой нибуть гайд где то? или уже собраная пачка модов...